Apple Tea

Hi there,

My name is Ayesha & I am a textrovert ; someone who feels awkward in social situations but is ready to pour her heart out in writing. Here you will find DIY ideas, books reviews, positive psychology advice & sometimes totally random thoughts. Hope you enjoy & thanks for passing by.

Showing 4 posts

Growth mindset in children

by Ayesha Riaz

Growth mindset in children has been linked to academic achievement. How can we develop it in our children.

Teaset clock

by Ayesha Riaz

A simple DIY clock idea 

Love is a universal language

by Ayesha Riaz

My mum was visiting us after five years and I was dreading her arrival because she does not speak English very well. Last time she visited my kids were too young (one was a new born) to have any real conversations.    

Book O' Clock

by Ayesha Riaz

I was looking for ideas to cover a large area on a wall in our hallway when I came across a book o’clock. I just loved it!