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Teaset clock

Posted on in DIY, Clock by Ayesha Riaz

What’s the time Mr.Wolf?

The clock in our lounge had stopped working…. again. Something was wrong with it and I was tired of trying to fix it. That meant it was time for a new clock and for me to do another DIY. Assembling a clock is pretty easy as I knew from making one earlier. So I ordered clockwork from eBay and started thinking about what kind of a clock I wanted. I ended up making a cute dollhouse tea set clock. I painted a blank mdf clock face bright yellow and used teacups and teapot etc. as numbers.


Here are the step by step instructions:

Things you need 

  • Clockwork
  • blank clock face
  • glue
  • dolls house tea set
  • paint
  • ruler 
  • pencil

Paint your clock face in a color of your choice. I bought my clock face from the craft section at Bunnings. I have also seen some at Spotlight. Mine did not have a hole in the middle so I got hubby to drill one in it. I used a primer before I put paint on it.

Attach your clockwork to it and make sure it's working. If you don’t know how to assemble a clock just watch a YouTube video.

Mark 12 point near the edge of the clock with a pencil. Make sure they are equally separated.

Use PVA glue to stick the pieces from tea set on your marked points. Before sticking them on the clock, I used PVA to stick cups to the saucers and lid to the sugar pot.

Let dry 24 hours. After that your clock will be read to hang.