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Book O' Clock

Posted on in DIY, Clock by Ayesha Riaz

Book O’ clock 

I was looking for ideas to cover a large area on a wall in our hallway when I came across a book o’clock. I just loved it! Given the fact that I love reading, there was no shortage of books in our home. In fact, a bookshelf in my garage was overflowing. The only problem was which ones to choose. I carefully went through all the titles and then picked those that reminded me of significant times in my life.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

There had to be Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. How could I not choose it when it reminded me of my beautiful teenage. For many people, teenage is a horrible phase of their lives. When hormones are high and your face is sometimes an explosion of pimples, pushing through limits set by your parents and yet fearful of being lost in the world. With conflicting ideas of blending in and yet wanting to stand apart, it was also the time of extreme enjoyment and excitement. Talking to my friends on phone for hours is a luxury I cannot afford now. Having time for myself whenever I want to is a luxury too. 

On Dreams by Sigmund Freud

How could the clock be complete without Freud in it? Even my life is not complete without him. My husband calls him his arch-enemy. Like most people, he does not agree with Freud and while I some times disagree with him too, it was Freud that introduced me to Psychology and I initially pursued this subject to simply better understand him. I ended up understanding myself better. This book was also a present my dad brought for me from the US. I still remember the shocking face of one of my friends when I told her that I had asked for a book instead of makeup (I was 18).

Chapatti or Chips by Nisha Minhas

I also chose a book that was actually not my taste but purely for the sake of memories associated with it. Its called Chapatti or Chips. This book belonged to the time when I arrived in Australia some 11 years ago. I was homesick and miserable. Australia was so different from Pakistan in so many ways and I felt completely lost. I cried almost everyday and missed my family. And one day the postman brought me a parcel from home lovingly packed by my mother. I cannot describe what I felt when the postman handed it to me but just that I wanted to hug him and thank him. I cried for a long time when I opened it. It smelt of home. And in it amongst other things was this book. My sister had bought it for me and though she clearly had no idea what type of books I read, I read it with the utmost affection and kept it with me. Whenever I look at it now I see how much I have grown in the past decade. I reflect on the mental strength I have now and yet miss that naïve self too.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K Rowling

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is in my clock too. Other than simply adoring this series for various reasons, this particular book is very special. I bought this with my husband just a week before I was due with our first baby.  It always reminds me of my first pregnancy. I never knew being pregnant would be such a beautiful feeling. The emotions that I felt at that time are just indescribable. And of course I also enjoyed all the extra attention and pampering.

Chocolat by Joanne Harris

There is also Chocolat in my clock. I first read this book when I was young but I don’t think I understood it completely. It has many layers to it. And I later read it again and understood the many underlying themes such as moving on in life, facing your fears and letting go of the dead. Its just a beautiful book.

Life of Pi by Yann Martel

Other than being an absolutely beautiful story, I chose Life of Pi because it reminds me of my second pregnancy. Just like Pi, my little one is a fiery spirit. She is a fighter and she persists. She has battled severe eczema all her life and always comes out stronger and armed with strategies to help her. The ending of this book is very special. It tells you what you believe will always shape your life. 

There are other books in my clock that were chosen purely because they were such excellent reads. When I read Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden I was transported to rural Japan. Even though the book is largely about her life as a geisha, I was just struck with the simplicity of her earlier life in a village. There is also Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo and Hannibal Rising by Thomas Harris that I thoroughly enjoyed reading.


Whenever I look at this clock I feel nostalgia. Not only for the moments that are gone but also for the times that have changed so much. I have a Kindle now and although I adore it and admire its practicality, there is nothing in the world like the feeling of holding a book in your hands. The smell of a new book…the coffee stains on its pages if I am not careful…. the sometimes forgotten bookmarks in it…. the slightly worn look indicating how many times it has been read and loved. These are irreplaceable. And this clock now serves as a tangible reminder of my past and a learning tool fast disappearing.

How to make a Book o' Clock

If you have a few books lying around preserve them in a clock! You will need clockwork with large hands. I ordered one from ebay. Select a wall and  hang your clockwork on it. Then bound the books with sticky tape so that the pages don’t flip out. After that I used command picture hanging strips on the back of each book to stick it to the wall. Make sure books are at equal distance from the clockwork in the middle and actually take place of numbers. If a book is heavy use two or three strips to hold it in place. Once this is done, stand back and admire your timeless peice. 




Very nice, keep up the good work.